I've been working on writing a conference about, let's say to sum it up very broadly, "the power of vulnerability", and I decided to start it with the song Billie Eilish wrote for the Barbie movie.

I've heard her say in an interview that she quickly wrote it thinking it's all about Barbie. The next day she realized it was her most personal song.

To me, this is a perfect example of how art works: yes, it's performative, but no matter how you want to polish it, the real self of the artist always shows up.

One of my favorite thing about making improvised soundscape is to witness how it always reflect the mood I was in while doing it (This will be the subject of my next newsletter).

Anyway great piece of writing!

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Yes, that’s such a great example! I sometimes feel like I maybe use “ART” the word too heavy-handedly or make it sound high-brow just because I’m such a lover of the arts. But truly, I think that personal connection with what has been expressed is what separates “art” from “content”. So much of our media and so many of our communication platforms prioritize the latter. Even writing this newsletter, I try to remind myself to write what I care about, what’s on my mind, rather than catering the whole thing to an audience. I still know it will be read by others, but in the act of writing, I try my best to let that go.

Totally agree on the soundscapes too, I’ve definitely touched on that in past letters how making ambient almost always ends up pulling out emotions I didn’t realize I was feeling under the surface.

Please share your next posts with me when they’re out, I look forward to reading them! And thank you for the kind words and for reading!

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